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Angel Horses, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization. Your donation is the lifeline for the horses.
Angel Horses Inc. is a place of possibility
…where beautiful, generous animals that could otherwise have a terrible end at auctions or slaughterhouses have a peaceful place to live out their lives.
…where humans come to experience the magic of connecting with such sensitive beings.
Why did we create Angel Horses Inc.?
The horses who inspired the creation of Angel Horses Inc. retirement have excelled in taking care of many people; children who have been abused, some who live with cancer or other serious illnesses, adults who are dealing with life altering accidents or illness and some people who may just need encouragement.
We are a group of individuals dedicated to ensuring that these horses receive the love and care that they so richly deserve. The horses continue to be involved in the teaching and enrichment of the lives of many people.
Angel Horses is located in West Granby, Connecticut. We continue to develop the farm to provide more trails and places to work, but the facility is horse and people ready!
Pam Traun

Our Mission
To provide a permanent retirement sanctuary for horses who have been teachers and healers in the therapeutic world.
These special horses receive nurturing, companionship and love for the rest of their days.
Upcoming Events
2025 Open Farm Day
School Programs
Designed to provide children opportunities to learn to care for and develop compassion for animals.
Wish List
Our list of needed items.